Category Archives: Stupid

Massive water slide.

This is an old one, that has done the rounds before, its obviously fake but still cool

Peanut Butter, The Evolutionists Nightmare!

You must watch this, its so bizarre that it must be true… maybe

FatGayKids rendition of Katy Perry…

Horse Imitating a Bee…

Okay, so today i have a Whole load of videos, most of which have come from my mate Dani. She has a whimsical blog about what she does and stuff. Today SmashingVids is Dedicated to you!!!

Dani- as a trout

Click on any of the above text and it will take you to her stuff…
Anyway, here is a weird/crappy video someone has made with their horse, looks like its flying… kinda?

100th Post, and its a goodun’ HAY BAILING FUN!

Taken me about 3 months to get 100 posts, with over 1000 views is growing, tell your friends and family. This definitely deserves to be the 100th post!

Laid back motorcyclist

As much as i hate posting videos from “fail blog” this one deserves it, this guy is so chilled out, is he texting?

Thanks to Chris Cameron for sending this my way…

Home and Away re-dub

Wanky workout

Im looking for friendship, possibly more?

Arabs drifting